Johan Tahon


3 Sep 2020 - 24 Oct 2020

A powerful selection of contemporary sculptural ceramics

After the successful CRMCS#1 edition, gallerist Elke Helbig and curator Kris Campo continue their tribute to the expressive power of the medium clay.
At the same time, they choose a totally different angle.

This time around they bring together work by five visual artists from Belgium and abroad: Jean-Claude Legrand, Lut Aerts, Monika Debus, Johan Tahon and Tine De Weerdt.

What they have in common is the subtlety of their work, which conveys a certain sacredness. The design is diverse, from organic over figurative to abstract. Each time with a strong graphic touch. In contrast to CRMCS#1 with its wild explosion of colours, the palette now remains very sober, with shades between white and black.

The small gallery space of Zwart Huis in the Rivoli building was one of the bigger challenges for this exhibition. But once again Kris Campo transforms the individual works into an overall picture, which almost stands alone.
The gallery, with its large glass walls, becomes a transparent viewing space, a ‘kunstkammer’ for three-dimensional works. You don’t have to enter the gallery to experience the work.

But if you do go inside, you imagine yourself in an intimate sculpture garden, where you can carefully stroll between the works. You will be absorbed in a serene atmosphere of objects and forms which seem to invite reflection and contemplation, but above all encourage enjoyment.